Summary: How does the church address its differences? How can the struggle draw us together rather than drive us apart? This book tells of a gathering that asked these questions amid stories reporting on each participant's journey with Scripture. The book also describes a model for such engagement. Telling their stories are such pastors, administrators, and teachers as (in order of appearance) Malinda Elizabeth Berry and Liz Landis, Jo-Ann Brant, Owen E. Burkholder, J. Ron Byler, Lin Garber, Roy Hange, Nancy R. Heisey, John Kampen, Richard A. Kauffman, Paul Keim, Marilyn Rayle Kern, Phil Kniss, James Krabill, Susan Mark Landis, Cynthia A. Lapp, G. Crag Maven, Keith Graber Miller, Lee Snyder, Dorothy Jean Weaver, J. Denny Weaver, and the editors. Comment: Like the vibrant voices of a mixed CD, Telling
Our Stories blends the personal tales of nearly two
dozen Mennonite pilgrims. Here is the stuff of life, of
memory, of growth, of peoplehood, of identity, the story
of encounter with the word. . . and with the Word. The contributors connected on a
human level, despite varying interpretations on divisive
issues. This commitment to talk with rather than past
each other gives a heartening glimpse of the beginnings
of community theology. What is intriguing about this
book is the recognition that all of us come to biblical
interpretation out of the context of our story, a story
rich in meaning and full of insight. Only after listening
both to the text and to the person can the community of
faith discern how God wants to form and inform the
church. This stimulating book not only
engages our interest but also provides a genuinely fresh
approach to the demanding task of biblical
interpretation." Market: Study groups, church leaders, students, anyone interested in a model for growth in understandings of Scripture, spiritual life, and self. Shelving: Biblical studies, Hermeneutics, TheologyAnabaptist-Mennonite. BISAC: Religion. RTM: 690 Religion/Ethics The Editors: Ray Gingerich, Harrisonburg, Virginia, taught undergraduate and seminary courses in theology, church history, and ethics at Eastern Mennonite University for nearly 30 years and helped lay the foundations for EMUs graduate Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Earl Zimmerman, Harrisonburg, is Assistant Professor of Bible and Religion at Eastern Mennonite University and pastor at Shalom Mennonite Congregation in Harrisonburg. He is author of Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder's Social Ethics, forthcoming from Cascadia. Publisher: Cascadia
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