"For decades a pastor and overseer
in the Mennonite Church, Truman Brunk offers us a rare
invitation: to sit with him in the field of his own
soul--that interior and holy space where the stories of
his life and ministry are held. As Truman reflects on his
pastoral experience in five Mennonite congregations and
sifts through his collection of memories--the good, the
bad, the amazing, and the difficult--he asks us if we can
picture God bending low to hear his (and our) stories,
and to extend his forgiveness and care. In these accounts
we discover that this is the God whom Truman has come to
know, love, and serve. This is the God whom we also meet
as this son of a former Mennonite bishop learns the
secret of being a child within the kingdom; the God who
takes all the broken pieces and makes from them something
precious. Here in these narratives--and in the presence
of this seasoned pastor recounting them--we discover that
the wall between this world and the heavenly realm is
incredibly thin." "Truman Brunk, storyteller
extraordinaire, has finally committed some of his best to
print. They come from his rich life as a builder of
houses and more importantly as a builder of human beings.
Truman has always been a pastor, even before he knew it.
Growing up as he did in a family of pastors-and
storytellers-he now can share with readers from that
magnificent legacy. Some of his stories are part Garrison
Keillor and part Mark Twain. Mostly they are the record
of a person born into an unusual Mennonite community and
during a very dynamic time. Filled with pathos, humor,
and with the Holy Spirit these parables will enrich the
lives of his readers." "The stories in Brunk’s
moving and sensitive book show the full spectrum of a
life well lived. The intergenerational framework
beautifully portrays his background and reflects a
gracious teacher and pastor on a journey of faith, hope,
and learning—an inspiration for the reader’s
self-reflection. Through the stories in this book, Truman
vulnerably and humbly personifies the essence of
compassion. A significant part of his life and ministry
includes Betty, his unusually gifted wife and lifelong
companion. Weaving together the Agony and the Ecstasy of
a seasoned pastor, these stories are truly enriching! "These delightful reflections
reveal the heart and mind of a beloved pastor who
mentored thousands of students, leaders, and
congregational members throughout a lifetime of
ministry." That Amazing Junk-Man orders:
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