Author's Preface
Exploring Spiritual LIfe and Identity
Dawn Ruth Nelson

Since I finished the major work on my book, many additional and important books on Anabaptist-Mennonite spirituality have appeared. The very number of new books corroborates my thesis: We are experiencing a time of intense searching for spiritual resources in the Mennonite tradition. So even a recent list added at the end of my bibliography will soon be outdated.

However, at the risk of ignoring others, I will mention two of the newer books. Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayerbook, is a wonderful response to the need for a book of communal prayer enabling Mennonites to immerse ourselves in daily Scripture reading. The Anabaptist Prayerbook includes what the authors call “Anabaptist DNA” in the choice of Scriptures and in the focus on a daily call to discipleship. In the second book, C. Arnold Snyder has offered an account of Anabaptist spirituality for the Orbis Books’ series, “Traditions of Christian Spirituality.” This book, Following in the Footsteps of Christ: The Anabaptist Tradition, breaks important new ground and raises questions about how Anabaptism is practiced today.

These newer developments in the ongoing search for depth in our faith and for faithfulness to Christ give me hope. I sense that God is calling us into the future, steeped in the past but faithful to a God who is always moving: “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isa. 43:19a).

—Dawn Ruth Nelson
Harleysville, Pennsylvania


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