Summary: Through autobiographical narratives, Minding the Church details contributions of fourteen Anabaptist scholars to their disciplines plus features thoughtful responses. From philosophy to economics, from history to biblical studies, this volume gives voice to Anabaptist scholars as they explain their motivations and objectives as teachers, researchers, and writers. Comment: Minding
the Church is a valuable resource for understanding
how Anabaptist scholars today view their vocations. Think scholars
are stuffy, off in their own worlds, seeing
truths no one cares about or understands?
This book may surprise you. It provides a rare
glimpse into the lives of contemporary Anabaptist
scholars. We see the human and the divine in these
marvelous essays describing an uneasy calling. The writers of
these essays give convincingand
inspiring!testimony to the power of the Anabaptist
vision for the scholarly life. Firmly rooted in a
community that has long urged the rest of us to take the
radical claims of the gospel with utter seriousness, they
extend the argument here to cover the intellectual life.
When we choose to follow Jesus, they insist, we must
bring our minds along with us. This book is an important
gift to the larger Christian academy! These compelling
personal narratives challenge readers to embrace the
public dimension of Christian scholarship. . . . These essays are written transparently and
passionately by people of both deep faith and deep
intellect. If these scholars are representative of their
colleagues in our Anabaptist schools and I believe
they arethen I have tremendous hope for the future
of Anabaptist higher education. And for the churches our
colleges and seminaries serve. A sterling
contribution to the growing body of literature that
explores the meaning of higher education in the Christian
genre. Market: Students and scholars; church leaders, pastors; anyone who believes intellectual pursuit should exhibit the marks of Christian discipleship. Shelving: EducationHigher, United States; Anabaptist-MennonitesEducation; Christian theology; Universities and colleges. BISAC: Education and Teaching, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Religion/Bibles. RTM: 340 Education; 690 Religion/Ethics. The Editor: David L. Weaver-Zercher, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is Assistant Professor of American Religious History at Messiah College, where he also directs the Sider Institute for Anabaptist, Pietist and Wesleyan Studies. Weaver-Zercher received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1997. His book The Amish in the American Imagination (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001) examines ways the Amish are put to use by those who encounter, mediate, and consume them. Quote: The phrase 'minding the church' underscores the reality that the contributors are intellectuals who, through both calling and training, have devoted their intellect and creativity to serving the church. . . . [and] acknowledges that Anabaptist scholars are sometimes frustrated by the theological, cultural, and political boundaries the institutional church sets. David Weaver-Zercher, in the Introduction. Publisher: Pandora
Press U.S. Minding the Church orders:
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