
Page for
momentary stay
Poems by
Barbara Esch Shisler
Frost’s “momentary stay against confusion” is Barbara Esch
Shisler’s mode of trying to make sense of life through poems that worry
riddles of getting old, family dynamics, dreams, prayer, the evening
bees—not to mention love,
death, and
Comment: "’Love
every tedious beat/ of your dear and fleeting life,’ writes Barbara
Esch Shisler in her poem, ‘To a Mountain.’ And she takes her own
advice, plainly naming a world of pleasures and pains. In her gaze,
African violets are ‘luscious birds in furry nests,’ and meals at the
Nursing Home, ‘vague purees.’ The strange teachings of Jesus turn and
flash in her imagination. These poems offer good company for anyone
brave enough to face the freedom and losses that come with
age." —Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Author,
Poetry in America
these brave, bright, searching poems, Shisler explores the fears and
delights of that time of life when ‘Old and new make love all day, /
their souls curved close / against chill and darkening.’ Within the
necessary, painful recognitions of mortality and loss, Shisler finds
her way to both an unsentimental faith and a lovely, celebrative
lyricism." —Jeff Gundy,
Author, Somewhere Near Defiance and Songs from an
Empty Cage
poetry takes me places I wouldn't go on my own, often with the
surprising result of going more deeply into my own reflections about
life, aging, death, faith and family." —Richard A. Kauffman, Senior
Editor and Book Review Editor, The Christian Century
also more DreamSeeker Poetry Series titles.
Shisler’s poems should appeal to anyone who appreciates fine poetry and
is moved by poems that amid life’s challenges and riddles and stages
eloquently provide a “momentary stay against confusion.”
Poetry; Anabaptist-Mennonite literature;
Devotional verse—Gospel of Mark. BISAC:
Poetry; RTM: 640 Poetry.
The Author:
Barbara Esch Shisler is a retired Mennonite pastor and spiritual
director, active in her Perkasie Mennonite congregation. Her life as
wife, mother, and grandmother is filled with friends, gardening, dogs,
movies, books and much more. Reading and writing poetry have been a
lifelong joy and learning.
Publisher: Cascadia
Publishing House LLC
Imprint: DreamSeeker
Copublisher: None
Designed by Gwen M. Stamm based on Marilyn Nolt image.
Publication date: February
Approximate Pages:
Tentative Format:
5.5 x 8.5" trade paper
$12.95 US/Can. ISBN
13: 978-1-68027-002-0; ISBN
10: 1-68027-002-8
