This volume is a labor that grows out of admiration and love by the writers and editors for the life and ministry of John L. Ruth. In the Fall of 2000 the Salford Mennonite Church gathered together several hundred friends and family of John and Roma Ruth to celebrate fifty years of ministry and service to the Mennonite Church. During that wonderful weekend there were many tributes of heart felt appreciation to Roma and John. Several people gathered together and discussed the possibility of producing a Festschrift to honor John by writing about one of the greatest loves of his life, the church community. We invited writers to reflect on Mennonite community and creative arts—sometimes in tension, sometimes in harmony. The church community and artistic expression have been parallel themes in John’s life and ministry. All of us who have known John have marveled at his genuine ability to connect authentically and respectfully with the farmer and the theologian, with the homespun and the deeply complex. What began as just a germ of an idea has, after nearly two years, become this volume entitled The Measure of My Days. As the editors of this Festschrift we are indebted to all the writers for their very generous contributions, gladly offered gratis. The editorial committee consisted of John E. Sharp, Julia Kasdorf, Julie Musselman, Jan Gleysteen, Joan King, Joseph S. Miller and Reuben Z. Miller. We are especially grateful for the exceptional advice and counsel of John E. Sharp, the Director of the Mennonite Historical Committee. His counsel was always encouraging and helpful. Special thanks also to Leonard Gross, the past Director of the Mennonite Historical Committee, Julia Kasdorf and Jan Gleysteen. We offer this book not from any one group of writers or editors but from a grateful church community that finds itself international in scope. This is a community’s expression of thanks to John L. Ruth: pastor, writer, historian, filmmaker, professor and Christian friend. —Reuben Z. Miller The Measure of My Days orders:
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