Advance Comment
A Father-Daughter Memoir

"In a world enamored of stars and personalities, this book is a testimony to the power of very ordinary people to dream—and then build flawed but nonetheless effective and healing institutions. There are no miracles here—not the healing of cancer nor the inbreaking of a new social order. But there is uncanny power in hearing two voices in a specific corner of the world—father, daughter—reflect honestly on his life against the relentless backdrop of death. When you finish this book, you will feel that you have been given tools to live your life better."
—Dee Dee Risher, former Editor, The Other Side magazine; Faithbased-Activist and Poet

"One farmer, four tumultuous decades, and seven hefty projects to build urban communities on a sustainable scale—this is a story that crosses the generations, a father’s gift that keeps on giving through his writer daughter. If you wonder how the farm can be transplanted into the city and yield a rich harvest of practical faith writ large in community, read this life-affirming memoir and go to do likewise."
N. Gerald Shenk, Professor of Church & Society, Eastern Mennonite Seminary

"A winsome and compelling story tenderly told in the voices of a father and his young adult daughter, reflecting on his life of creative service, on roads less traveled, from rural Pennsylvania to Washington, D.C."
—Verle and Vivian Headings, Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community

"An intimate, honest, and heartfelt portrait of a quiet hero—and a thoughtful meditation on building community in today's world. Thank you, Nelson and Deborah."
Daniel Charles, Contributor, National Public Radio; Author, Master Mind: The Rise and Fall of Fritz Haber, the Nobel Laureate Who Launched the Age of Chemical Warfare


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