Ross T. Bender is Dean Emeritus of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, where he also served as Professor of Christian Education. His writings include Education for Peoplehood: Essays on the Teaching Ministry of the Church (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1997), and The People of God: A Mennonite Interpretation of the Free Church Tradition (Herald Press, 1971). Arthur Paul Boers is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Coordinator of the Spiritual Formation Program at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He is author of many articles and books, including, most recently, The Rhythm of God’s Grace (Paraclete, 2003). Jacob W. Elias is Professor of New Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He is also copastor, along with his wife Lillian, of Parkview Mennonite Church, Kokomo, Indiana. Elias is the author of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Believers Church Bible Commentary (Herald Press, 1995). Loren L. Johns is Dean and Associate Professor of New Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He has written and edited numerous works, including, most recently, The Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of John: An Investigation into Its Origins and Rhetorical Force (Mohr Siebeck, 2003). Gayle Gerber Koontz is Professor of Theology and Ethics at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She has written numerous articles and is coeditor of A Mind Patient and Untamed: Assessing John Howard Yoder’s Contribution to Theology, Ethics, and Peacemaking (Cascadia Publishing House, 2004).. Ted Koontz is Professor of Ethics and Peace Studies at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. His published work includes Godward: Personal Stories of Grace (Herald Press, 1996), which he edited. Karl Koop is Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Canadian Mennonite University, and Adjunct Professor at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, where he taught theology and Anabaptist-Mennonite studies for five years. He coedited, with Mary Schertz, Without Spot or Wrinkle: Reflecting Theologically on the Nature of the Church (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2000). A version of his essay was printed in Mennonite Quarterly Review 76 (October 2002): 399- 412. J. Nelson Kraybill is President of Associated Mennonite Biblical Sem-inary. He has authored several books, including On the Pilgrim’s Way: Conversations on Christian Discipleship during a Twelve-Day Walk across England (Herald Press, 1998). Ben C. Ollenburger is Professor of Biblical Theology at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana. Among his publica-tions are the commentary on Zechariah in the New Interpreter’s Bible (Abingdon Press, 1996), and Old Testament Theology: Flowering and Future (Eisenbrauns, 2004). Walter Sawatsky is Professor of Church History and Mission at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, where he serves as director of the Mission Studies Center. He is editor of Mission Focus: Annual Review, and Religion in Eastern Europe. Erick Sawatzky is Associate Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Ministry at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, where he was also Director of Field Education. He has served as pastor of congregations in Canada and the U.S., as a pastoral counselor, and as a prison chaplain. Mary H. Schertz is Professor of New Testament at Associated Men-nonite Biblical Seminary. She also serves as director of the Institute of Mennonite Studies and AMBS editor of Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology. She is a coauthor of Seeing the Text: Exegesis for Students of Greek and Hebrew (Abingdon Press, 2001), and editor of several books, including (with Ivan Friesen) Beautiful upon the Mountains: Biblical.xi Contributors Essays on Mission, Peace, and the Reign of God (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2003). Daniel S. Schipani is Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He lectures widely and is the author or editor of twenty books on pastoral and practical theology and education, including, most recently, The Way of Wisdom in Pastoral Counseling (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2003). Rebecca Slough is Associate Professor of Worship and the Arts and Director of Field Education at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She served as managing editor for Hymnal: A Worship Book (Faith & Life Press, Brethren Press, Mennonite Publishing House, 1992). Willard M. Swartley is Professor of New Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He has edited numerous books, including Violence Renounced: René Girard, Biblical Studies, and Peacemaking (Pandora Press, 2000), and has authored many articles and five books, including, most recently, Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and Moral Discernment (Herald Press, 2003). June Alliman Yoder is Associate Professor of Communication and Preaching at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She edited The Work Is Thine, O Christ: In Honor of Erland Waltner (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2002). Perry B. Yoder is Professor of Old Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. His most recent book, with coauthor Mary Schertz, is Seeing the Text: Exegesis for Students of Greek and Hebrew (Abingdon Press, 2001). Heart of the Matter orders:
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