The complexity is that it feels new to those of us experiencing it. A zillion words don’t get some things into us until the realities themselves get into us.
So the old new thing I’m pondering is living with expiration dates. Both key loved ones and I now have some statistical prognostications of how long we might live. Oh, it’s not precise and could vary by years. But you can look up X condition and be told that if you’re 70 your average life expectancy might be Y years. Or if you’re 65 with condition B, your average longevity might be Z more years.
Talk to the doctor, and she may nuance: unless this criterion is met or that complication is involved–then maybe it’s this much longer or down to this many months. But typically, many doctors seem to add, each person is unique and we’re giving you state-of-the-art care and we have lots of Plans B, C, or D if we need more than Plan A so we’re a long way from needing to treat you as a statistic.
And from a technical, medical standpoint, until or unless something recurs or introduces itself, that may be that. Now what? Here let me try to redeem an inclination which has caused at least some mild tensions with some cherished persons: my interest in seeing sell-by dates as almost always about how long this or that product is in its ideal or at least usable condition rather than when it must be trashed.
For example, I will here disclose to my dear spouse Joan for the very first time (in case she happens to read this–she recently told me to get her a copy of my dissertation which is a quarter-century old because now she wants to see what I was up to back then) what happened with the cherry tomatoes. We were gone a lot when they started to get a little wrinkled. But I didn’t throw them out because I knew as soon as we had a chance to be home a while I’d make pasta and they would go great in that.
The first I realized someone else had a different vision was when I found the tomatoes in the trash! Not even the compost, which is where they’d usually go, but in the trash. I knew what this meant: These tomatoes are utterly beyond redemption. So I sighed, patiently and compassionately, having navigated many decades of thought patterns not always as convincing to me as my own, and delicately pulled the least wrinkled ones out of the trash, put them back into the container, then put the container in the mudroom up above my head where I doubted she would be looking for tomatoes to throw out.
The next night we had pasta. While her back was turned I washed and cut up the tomatoes nicely with a sharp paring knife. I threw a few that might be even-post-wrinkled into the compost, then had a delicious delicious meal while dear Joan experienced a sadly under-tomatoed version. (When I let her preview this she said, “I should have done what I usually do, put it way under the other trash so you don’t find it.”)
What else is there to add? I’m not sure. Certainly I resonate with the gazillions who have testified to what happens when you’re convincingly exposed to the reality that your life will some day end.
I say convincingly, because it takes a lot to move us from pity for those who somehow didn’t outwit death to really really believe that we’re not exempt. This barely days-long horizon is why despite the data underscoring that spring is coming earlier and earlier as most of the planet keeps warming and warming, I sure had trouble still believing that when those polar winds blasted so fiercely I could literally feel them blowing in around my head on the pillow.
Still, sometimes what happens is sobering enough, inescapable enough, that against your own lifetime of believing otherwise you do become convinced that even you yourself have an expiration date. Then each remaining day does seem to be somehow fuller of fizz.
This might be something for the billionaires who are convinced they’ll live to 150 to think about before someday they learn that the biblical three-score-years-and-10 lifespan could affect even them. Now what about the lives they could have lived with such different gifts of grace than the mere conviction of never having to give up their lives to find them?
I also do want to take seriously that the cherry tomatoes that had mold did require a dignified and loving good-bye. But also that the tomatoes that were just wrinkled really did still have a lot of zest and sheer joy to offer.
—Michael A. King, publisher and president, Cascadia Publishing House LLC, blogs at Kingsview & Co, https://www.cascadiapublishinghouse.com/KingsviewCo
A friend of mine, given heart problems and body aches, says that her warranty might be up! My mom said that you live until you die. Live.
Bless those cherry tomatoes.
Greta, many thanks for these thoughts. As for your mom, I embrace her wisdom. And would also note that we have one refrigerator aged 32 years old that is a quarter-century past its warranty expiration date. Live!
Our washing machine has passed any warranty, it is at least 40 yrs old! It may outlast us lol!
Dear Michael,
Many thanks Michael for your needed comments & prayers, the planet needs us! Mama Earth has been abused too long, she is screaming! The Cape Cod waters have never been this warm in June, when my toes wadded in warm Atlantic waters I was shocked, it was always cold. Alaskan glaciers have been melting causing our crazy climate changes. Our animals and whales need protection. We always compost. Let’s help our world survive for our children & grandkids! Sending love!
Clarissa, your thoughts and love much appreciated. With you on all the cherishing the many layers of our planet need. Thanks for sharing.
Many thanks follow your footprints and kindness! You continue to amaze all! Blessings and gratitude to all!