Winter 2003
Volume 3, Number 1

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Dear Editor, I just finished reading the Autumn 2002 issue of DreamSeeker Magazine,and I must tell you that I found it moving and refreshing. I was moved by Jack Orr’s account of his return to church and how he was touched as 400 people began to sing “His Name Is Wonderful.” Then in the next article, Joan King described the power of song as she felt it on the Sunday after 9-11 when the congregation sang “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.”

I believe that music truly is one of God’s most wonderful gifts to us. I am melted to tears whenever I hear Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and sing the words of “Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee.”

I found each article thought-provoking and timely. Luanne Austin’s reminder that God is “I Am” and Daniel Hertzler’s challenge to be alert to our environmental crisis were most relevant articles.

As for your article, “It All Ends,” I wish our president could read it. I wrote to him about a month ago insisting that the Christian approach is “to overcome evil with good.” To initiate war with Iraq will only intensify the hatred many in the Islamic world feel for Americans, not to mention the killing of thousands of innocent victims. Violence is never a final solution to any human problem.

However, we will not stop singing. Our God is the God of hope, and God has the last word, which like the first, is always good, no its better than good, it’s wonderful. Peace and joy.
—Randy Klassen


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