
Good Friday
will be a sobering night.
I have not been there yet
but I've had Good Fridays before:
the gray faces eyeing me like fish on a
the robed priest dripping water
the light squeezed too quickly behind the
the darkness
the hell of black and alone
and the silence in the sleepless night.
Christine R. Wiebe, Hillsboro,
Kansas, was born in 1954 and died in 2002
after battling lupus much of her life.Easter
know, midnight is hours away
but I've seen
the darkness
the first light
the many lights
the lilies, like trumpets
the girls in white dresses.
and I've heard the Exultet:
"Rejoice, heavenly powers!
Sing, choirs of angels!
Rejoice, O earth,
In shining splendor!"
The door opens forever.
Christine R. Wiebe