If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. —Psalm 139:9-10
Do I dare to tell my Darwin friends
about the giant hand
that led my surgeon’s hand
for six whole hours?
Do I dare to tell my Dawkins friends
about the gentle hand
that held me
for 40 days?
Do I dare to think
it was no dream,
that gentle, giant hand,
holding me,
—Joseph Gascho, Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, is a retired cardiologist and emeritus professor of medicine and humanities, Penn State University College of Medicine. The Annals of Internal Medicine awarded him both poem of the year and photograph of the year. Positive Exposure 109, on museum mile in New York City, has featured his photography exhibit, “The Operating Theater.” In addition to other books of photography and poetry (see jgascho.com), he has written Heart and Soul: A Cardiologist’s Life in Verse (Wipf and Stock, 2023) .