Songs from an Empty Cage
Poetry, Mystery, Anabaptism, and Peace

Foreword by Scott Holland     11
Series Editor’s Foreword     13
Acknowledgments     15
Introduction: Poetry, Mystery, Anabaptism, and the World     17

Part One: Prolegomena

Chapter One: Notes Toward an Anabaptist Theopoetics  •  31
Chapter Two: Declining to Be in Charge  •  43

Part Two: Transgressions and Traditions

Chapter Three: The Hammer and the Free Spirit  •  55
Chapter Four: The Marriage of the Martyrs Mirror and the Open Road, or, Why I Love Poetry Despite the Suspicion That It Won’t Save Anybody  •  74
Chapter Five: “Truth Did Not Come Into the World Naked”: Images, Stories, and Intimations  •  87
Chapter Six: Notes Toward the Heretical Sublime  •  102

Part Three: Poetry, Pedagogy, Peace

Chapter Seven: Adding Real Beings to the World: Teaching Peace, Writing, and Human Exchange  •  128
Chapter Eight: On Jesus and Teaching  •  138
Chapter Nine: Toward Post-Peace Poetry: or, What to Do with the Drunken Soldiers? •  143

Part Four: Music, Metaphor, Martyrs, Mystery

Chapter Ten: Sound and the Sixties: Sex, God, Rock and Roll, and Flourishing  •  169
Chapter Eleven: The Rule of God and the Ruby: The Theopoet Talks Back  •  182
Chapter Twelve: The Farm Boy’s Thoughts Turn toward Beauty  •  204
Chapter Thirteen: The Baptism in Dark Water: Apophasis, Mystery, and the God Within  •  214
Chapter Fourteen: Looking in the Mirror  •  230
Chapter Fifteen: Who Knows Who Is Calling?  •  244
Chapter Sixteen: Voice and Imagination: Meaning besides Truth  •  257

Bibliography     273
Index     282
Credits and Permissions     291
The Author     294


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