Defenseless Christianity
Anabaptism for a Nonviolent Church

Foreword by Greg Boyd     9
Preface      11

1  Defenseless Christianity as New Creation   ·   15

Peace as the Gospel
Newness as Good News

2  Defenseless Christianity in the Radical Reformation   ·   22

The Historical Development of Anabaptism as Defenseless Christianity
The Ecclesial Development of Anabaptism as Defenseless Christianity
The Theological Novelty of Anabaptism as Defenseless Christianity
The Nonviolence of Ecclesial Anabaptism

3  Defenseless Christianity for Today’s Peace Churches   ·   72

Anabaptism as Defenseless Christianity
Separation from the World
Discipleship as Practice
The Practice of Nonviolence
Theology for Defenseless Christianity
Defenseless Christianity and Contemporary Structures
Defenseless Christianity as World View
Defenseless Christianity and the Future

Appendix: On the So-Called Paradigmatic “Void” in Anabaptist Studies     117
Bibliography     120
The Index     127
The Authors     134


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