CADABRA cover thumbnail

Poems by
Jen Kindbom


Lepidoptera    •  15
Cadabra    •  17
Typewriter Love Song    •  18
Summer Turning    •  20
In the dream she puts a note on the door    •  21
Prayer Flags    •  22
In the Cabinet Drawer    •  23
Porch Day    •  24
Lillian Ode    •  26
Repair    •  28
Caterpillar    •  30
Love Bugs    •  31
Market    •  32
Flash Flood    •  33
This One Birth    •  34
Rainbow    •  36
Deer Dog    •  37
Books at Night    •  38
Poem Row    •  39
Moving Day    •  41
Moon, Waving   •  42


Mayfly Season    •  45
In the Weeping Cherries    •  46
Loved One    •  47
A Kind of Haunting    •  48
After The Fish    •  50
Appetite    •  51
Spider Bites    •  52
Pepper Slice    •  53
You are a souvenir    •  54
Bluff Tree    •  57
Rosary    •  59
Alice    •  60
Cemetery Road    •  61
Startled: A Confession    •  62
Vespers    •  64
January 31    •  66
Highway Ode    •  68
Goodbye, Darkness    •  70
X-Ray    •  72
Pitcher    •  73
Love Poem    •  75
Prayer    •  76
Moth Exit    •  78
Nocturnal Pine    •  79
Road Chickens    •  81
September Ivy    •  82
Yes, this is a poem about—    •  83
In Memory    •  84
Neighbor Blessing    •  85
Nearsighted    •  86
Memorable You    •  87

Acknowledgments     89
The Author     91

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