50 Common and Quirky
Questions about Mennonites

Foreword by Donald B. Kraybill    9
Author’s Preface    11
Introduction: How Did This Work of Answering Questions About Mennonites Begin? by Melodie M. Davis    15

Chapter One: What Do Mennonites Believe in?  21

 1  Different than other Christians?
 2  Baptism
 3  Age for joining church
 4  Death
 5  Heaven, hell and purgatory
 6  How to get to heaven
 7  Creation
 8  End times
 9  Eternal security
10  View of Bible
11  Gifts of prophecy/speaking in tongues
12  Homosexuality and abortion
13  Missional church
14  Sacraments
15  Communion
16  Women pastors

Chapter Two: Who Started It?  36

17  What is the history of Mennonites?
18  German
19  Mennonites, Amish, Quakers
20  Slavery and civil rights
21  Mennonites, Mormons, and Mexico
22  Other “Mennonite” groups

Chapter Three: Are Mennonites Allowed to Fight People Who Attack Them?  45

23  War and capital punishment
24  National anthem, flag, pledge of allegiance
25  Guns and marital arts
26  Jury duty
27  Disputes
28  Voting
29  Nonresistance and protecting family

Chapter Four: Why Do They Live the Way They Do?  54

30  Simple living
31  Dress
32  Coverings
33  Why don’t most wear coverings now?
34  Ordination: men, women
35  Holidays
36  Funerals, flowers
37  Weddings, gifts
38  Holy kiss
39  Family life: pregnancy, labor, postpartum
40  Worship services
41  Animals
42  Church leadership
43  Marriage

Chapter Five: Would It be Okay if I Became a Mennonite? 69

44  Converting from other religions
45  Live with Amish?
46  Military service/career
47  Divorce and remarriage
48  Interracial marriage
49  Genealogy
50  Visiting a church

The Author   81


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